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Student Union Advertising

Digital Displays

The FAU Student Union has various digital display screens available for your advertisements and promotions. To purchase advertising space, contact us at

Student Union Display Screens

Screen Size Rentals
Video Bar 3200 x 540 pixels (Ratio = 16:2.7) 1 Available
Vertical Displays 1080 x 1920 pixels (Ratio = 9:16) 2 Available
Hallway Displays 1920 x 1080 pixels (Ratio = 16:9) 2 Available
Genius Bar 1920 x 1080 pixels (Ratio = 16:9) 1 Available


Student Union Digital Advertising

  Digital Flyer Video Advertising
FAU Registered Student Organizations $50 per 14 days $150 per 14 days
Non-Registered Student Organizations/Individual Student(s) $50 per 14 days $150 per 14 days
FAU Departments, University Partners, or Affiliated Groups $100 per 14 days $300 per 14 days
Sponsored Activities, Non-Profit or Tax-Exempt Unaffiliated Groups $200 per 14 days $600 per 14 days
For Profit Unaffiliated Groups $200 per 14 days $600 per 14 days